The Review: Origins GinZing Moisturizer

Sunday, 16 November 2014

I've never been the kinda gal that goes all out for skincare. Shocker I know. Haircare obsession: check. Make-up obsession: one almighty check. But skincare and I have never really hit it off. That was, until Origins and I locked eyes. I first jumped in with the Super Spot Remover and have since added to my collection with many a face mask. But I had never fully committed to an everyday product from the brand. Here steps in the GinZing Energy-Boosting Moisturizer. 

Its well known that for many of us combination skinned ladies, the winter sucks hydration from the skin, mine especially looks dry and dull, with that greyish thing going on (you know the one I mean). So after some review-searching, I decided to invest in a new moisturiser. A little goes a long way with this, just a small amount soaks into the skin beautifully, leaving it with a smooth and energised finish. Seriously, this stuff works like nothing else for picking up my skin and giving it that 'I got my full eight hours sleep' look. 

It smells great too, like fresh oranges - always nice first thing for that wake up feeling!
I can see the accompanying eye gel finding its way into my stash pretty soon...

Meg xx

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